Meet the Team

  • Odelya Kaufman, MD, PhD, is a Clinical Geneticist and Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Genetics at Yale School of Medicine. Odelya attended a combined medical school and graduate program at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (Bronx, NY) where her PhD studies focused on the functions of RNA binding proteins in ovary development. She subsequently completed her medical residency in Pediatrics and Medical Genetics at Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, NY) where she also participated in research to uncover genetic causes for critically ill infants in the NICU. Odelya’s clinical expertise is in the diagnosis and management of children and adults with genetic conditions, including various birth defects, developmental disabilities, and pediatric hearing loss or blindness.

  • Antonio studied Chemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Cadiz and the University Autonoma of Madrid. During undergraduate, he worked with Gines Morata at the CBM in Madrid. Antonio did his PhD with Stephen Cohen at the EMBL (Heidelberg) (1998-2002) and a post-doc with Alex Schier at the Skirball Institute (NYU) and Harvard (2003-2006). Antonio established his laboratory at Yale in 2007 where he investigates the regulatory codes that shape gene expression during embryonic development. He was Director of Graduate Studies (2012-2016) and was Chair of the Genetics Department (2017-2023).

  • Dr. Jiang is a physician scientist active in both basic research and clinical practice. His research interests are focused on the genetic and epigenetic bases of neurodevelopmental disorders and modeling genetic diseases using human patients derived cellular models and genetic mutant mice. He is developing novel molecular targeted therapies for genetic and epigenetic diseases. His clinical expertise is in Clinical and Biochemical Genetics of rare and undiagnosed diseases in children and adults.

    He is the Director of Yale NORD Center of Excellence and Principal Investigator of Yale Diagnostic Center of Excellence for Undiagnosed Diseases-NIH Undiagnosed Disease Network Phase III.